Rossi said:

*“We know exactly why and how to make H after the injection of H2 and know
exactly how difficult is to use this radical before H2 recombination. This
is one of the most important parts of our know how. When we use terms, in
this field, we know exactly what we say.”*

* *

*It could not be more clear.*

* *

*“We know exactly why and how to make H after the injection of H2”*

* *

*Rossi is ionizing hydrogen. He is breaking it apart to form plasma that he
directs toward the wall of the reaction chamber.*

* *

*You said*

* *

*“So while it is possible there is not a "spill over catalyst" there is some
type of catalyst mixed in with the nickel.”*

* *


* *

*Hydrogen *molecules dissociate to atomic hydrogen in the presence of a

tungsten cathode at temperatures > 800°C.**

* *

*The secret element is thorium oxide. It coats the internal heater to
produce lots of electrons. These electrons ionize hydrogen. The thorium is
coated with some carbon to protect it from evaporation.*

* *

*Rossi did not allow Livi to take a gamma spectrum because this would have
revealed the use of the thorium coatings on the internal heater.*

On Sat, Apr 30, 2011 at 9:10 PM, noone noone <>wrote:

> Rossi has specifically stated that one or two other elements are used as
> catalysts with the nickel powder.
> So while it is possible there is not a "spill over catalyst" there is some
> type of catalyst mixed in with the nickel.
> The truth cannot be that he has lied repeatedly to the world on his blog,
> lied to Focardi and other associates repeatedly, and there is no catalyst at
> all.
> If (and I do not think this is the case) the heater is the only thing
> responsible for the reaction and he has lied about the catalysts I hope his
> technology goes no where.
> I do not have pity for liars, but I do not think he is lying. I think he is
> telling the truth.
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Axil Axil <>
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Sat, April 30, 2011 5:23:46 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [Vo]:Old, but MAJOR clue about the Rossi CATALYST?
>  As I stated before in the Cat-E patent, Rossi ash contains no element
> heavier the zinc. Rossi has stated that he does not use precious metals in
> the Cat-E.
> The logical conclusion is that that there is no spill over catalyst mixed
> in with the nickel catalyst.
> The source of hydrogen ionization works at a distance from the surface of
> the nickel powder.
> The internal heater can generate a 1000 times more H- ions that any spill
> over catalyst element could possible produce. This internal heater is
> capable of ionizing the entire volume of the hydrogen if required.
> On Sat, Apr 30, 2011 at 8:02 PM, Akira Shirakawa <
>> wrote:
>> On 2011-05-01 01:34, Jones Beene wrote:
>> [...]
>>  Even so, it is very likely that the Rossi breakthrough is a spillover
>>> catalyst that gives far more than the 10x the effect of Arata/Zhang.
>> Interesting, thanks very much for the info. So in the end Rossi didn't
>> really reveal anything special, since in short that is what Arata-Zhang
>> already discovered, although at a much lower yield apparently.
>> However that is probably, as you say, his breakthrough (or most of it),
>> and that's where research should go.
>> Cheers,
>> S.A.

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