Hi Jones!

I guess at this point my impression of how Rossi optimized the effect is more 
akin to how Edison
discovered what material to use for filaments -- painstakingly long process of 
trial and error!
When you don't have a theoretical model from which to design, T&E is about your 
only option.  In the
video with Mat Lewan's, Rossi looked very stressed/worried... I get the 
impression that the R&D
phase for the 1MW plant E-Cats is not quite out of the 'R' phase! :-)

And at this time, I think it's a CLOSE horserace as to who crosses the finish 
line first -- Rossi,
or one of your more competent groups.  I noticed Dennis ended his subscription 
here... Suppose he
got enough info and jumped onto his thoroughbred?  And they're off and 
running... Hey, I want to be
riding one of them horses! :-)

Did you guys ever hear that humorous audio titled, "Marriage as a horse-race"?

As for NASA getting involved -- mixed feelings at this point.  First thought is 
great; they have
extremely competent scientists and engineers, and just the fact that they will 
have a 'sanctioned'
Ni-H research program is an immediate elevation of this fields credibility, 
however, if they were to
succeed in understanding the physics, and in fully optimizing the effect, would 
the technology make
it out to the public sector... BEFORE we die!  I didn't spend most of my spare 
time over the last
30+ years following fringe science just to have its commercialization delayed 
by govt bureaucracy
until after I die!  That would be a major pisser... 

No, NASA won't lose the recipe --- the DoD/Govt will simply classify it as TS!  
But there are plenty
of competent people, in this and other countries, who won't let anything stop 
them assuming they can
solve the mystery.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jones Beene [mailto:jone...@pacbell.net] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2011 3:41 PM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Let us exercise some common sense in terms of dimensional 


Interesting story, and maybe it is a premonition of what the lame excuse from 
Rossi will be if there
is no megawatt demo in October. 

Rothwell can whine, hem, and haw all day about how he believes in his 
heart-of-hearts that the
sordid TEG business with LTI was not a true scam, but since he has not taken 
the time to personally
investigate the details, his opinion is more of the same pampering and 
pandering of a really strange
character who will probably disappoint all his new fans, in the end.

My prediction is that even before Rossi has a chance to disappoint, others who 
are considerable more
qualified, and honest, will come to the rescue with the answers of what is 
going-on in nickel

If you look at the big picture from the perspective of who has the skill, 
funding, desire and
teamwork, we should be very glad that NASA is jumping into Ni-H. They may lack 
the spark of
creativity, or the incredible good luck, of the lone inventor - but they will 
not "lose the recipe."


-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Iverson
I said:
"Perhaps its because Rossi hadn't given them the proper recipe for making the 
TE devices?"

Let me explain a bit more...

I've been following (and occasionally helping) with a colleague's company that 
has carbon-based
photovoltaic cells that are consistently getting 40% more power than Shell/BP 
panels, and don't
degrade with temperature (interesting stuff!)... This has been going on for 
over a year now and they
are in the process of working with a semiconductor foundry to commercialize the 
technology... I've
visited the foundry in San Jose and I listen in on the weekly phone 
conferences, and the film stacks
and process flows can be very detailed and complex, and even a few degrees of 
temperature or what
one would think of as insignificant 'contamination' from some other molecule or 
gas can mean the
difference between working as expected and dismal failure -- sometimes not much 
grey area! The small
foundry that produced the cells that are beating out the BP panels did not keep 
good notes/logs and
we've had some trouble figuring out exactly what recipe was used to produce 
those cells!!  At this
point, it could even have been a contaminant that has resulted in the much 
greater efficiency!

My point is that, given the fact that Rossi is probably not the best of a 
lab-note taker, even he
may not have the exact recipe that created the 20% TE devices that were 
originally working at LTI...
And maybe he did and didn't divulge it. Its useless to speculate on these kinds 
of topics and just
diverts our collective neurons from focusing on what really matters...


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