*“I don't understand the concern about refueling... The process is really

In your vision of the large Rossi reactor, do you break out an acetylene
torch and de- solder the copper fittings that surround the stainless steel
reaction vessel? Do you drain all the water out of the reactors steam loop?
Do you compromise the steam circuit to remove a 2.5 kw unit? When you get
the reactor back together, do you rerun boiler certification pressure tests?
How long will all this take to accomplish?

>From the pictures we see, I think that this is all required as a result of
the way the current Rossi 2.5 kw unit is being manufactured.

On Thu, May 5, 2011 at 11:10 PM, Mark Iverson <zeropo...@charter.net> wrote:

> I don't understand the concern about refueling... The process is really
> simple.
> You only startup 25 units per day... So it takes 12 days to get the entire
> 300 units up and running.
> When it comes time to do the 6 months refueling, you only refuel 25 per day
> and the reserve units
> are more than enough to handle the job. In two weeks, you're all done with
> the refueling and you're
> good to go for another 6 months...
> And even if you did start them all up in one day, but only do 25
> refuelings/day, so what if you're 2
> weeks over 6 months to complete the refueling... I think there's more than
> enough un-reacted Ni to
> last that extra 2 weeks while your busy refueling.
> -Mark

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