The tests with the cells had been always performed in the Siena Univ.Physics
Dept.- the analytical work in many labs.
The authors are presented in alphabetical order, by tradition, otherwise
papers with multiple authors create some problems.

Nano-nickel can be manufactured by different physical and chemical methods
(a very complex area of research) and it seems here has Rossi succeeded to
make a breakthrough.

On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 5:16 PM, Jed Rothwell <> wrote:

> This is part of a message I posted in another forum, worth recalling here
> --
> . . . . I mentioned that Fleischmann et al. sustained high power density
> and temperatures for 2 to 3 months with many cells. There were others. Most
> notably, I should have said that Focardi et al. did. That's very important,
> since they were using Ni-H, similar to Rossi. See:
> (Oops. I have to fix the Fig. 6 caption in this paper.)
> As you see, there are 9 authors from two universities. This was published
> in 2004. This paper shows two samples: one that produced 900 MJ in 278 days,
> and one that produced 600 MJ in 319 days. The first one is 37 W average.
> That's a respectable power level for such a small device. Nothing like
> Rossi, but still, it is easily measured.
> . . . There is plenty of precedent for Rossi. The people he is working with
> have seen similar effects for years with nickel. They were using macroscopic
> samples, whereas Rossi is using nanoparticle powder. Arata made a similar
> breakthrough with palladium nanopowder long before Rossi.
> Unless you think these 9 professors and many others are committing fraud as
> well, there is no reason to suppose that Rossi is now. They are doing
> more-or-less the same thing, and from a scientific perspective, 900 MJ over
> 278 days is just as astounding as the 1,000 MJ in 18 hours Rossi produced on
> Feb. 10.
> - Jed

Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

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