OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson wrote:

There is no stable 62Cu.

I would assume that allowing erroneous explanations of such magnitude
to be submitted as part of a patent would quickly invalidate it. How
could anyone in the PO take the document seriously.

There was no evaluation of this document by the Italian Patent Office. See the note that Lewan added to his article, that I mentioned previously:

/Update: Investigation of patentability is made for applications to the Italian Patent Office from 1 July 2008 onwards (see decree here <http://www.va.camcom.it/files/marchi_brevetti/decreto_27_giu_2008.pdf>//). The patent application for the energy catalyzer was filed in April 2008./

However, I do not think that errors in theory will invalidate a patent of this nature.

- Jed

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