How does the hydrino technology explain the occurrence of transmutation in
exploding metal foils? A generalized cold fusion theory should.

On Sat, May 14, 2011 at 1:55 AM, Peter Gluck <> wrote:

> Mills has told many times that he has nothing to do, and is not interested
> at all in Rossi's technology.
> Otherwise take in consideration that in case of the hydrino
> energy, the heat released per unit of weight of hydrogen is
> only approx. 200 times greater than by burning.
> Watch the news re. Mills CIHT technology- hydrino energy converted directly
> in the most valuable electric energy.
> Peter
> On Sat, May 14, 2011 at 12:25 AM, Roarty, Francis X <
>> wrote:
>> On Friday, May 13, 2011 1:08 PM Axil wrote
>> [snip] Neither Mills nor Rossi has discovered the true theoretical basis
>> for cold fusion because that basis only addresses their particular reaction.
>> The universal truth of cold fusion must explain all of its varied
>> manifestations that have been observed so far and accurately predict new
>> ones going forward.
>> [/snip]
>> Axil, I agree that a single causative mechanism is true to the mark BUT
>> only for the qualifying environment. That environment is the solid lattice
>> loaded with migratory gas atoms. There may be numerous different methods to
>> rectify and extract energy from this environment. Langmuir had anomalous
>> heat in the 20’s with just tungsten electrodes and hydrogen fuel he used in
>> atomic welding. Haisch and Moddel have a patent for a method using noble gas
>> circulated thru a synthetic catalyst tunnel, All the Pd-D and Ni-H methods
>> fit the same form of gas motion inside a catalyst. The extraction theories
>> however, are  all over the map, from Lamb-Pinch proposed by H-M, to ZPE
>> driven ashless chemistry where  relativistic fH2<>2FH1 as I suggest occurs
>> in the MAHG, and numerous Nuclear theories. When all the dust settles I
>> think they will discover that Jan Naudts nailed it when he said the hydrino
>> is relativistic. It means the catalytic environment is doing what we already
>> understand from Casimir geometry –It is changing energy density just like
>> you get when you accelerate to near C or park in a deep gravity well –the
>> difference is that it reduces density instead of increases it and results in
>> smaller time quanta instead of larger. Some of the COE restrictions go out
>> the window when you can have different inertial frames caused by equivalent
>> negative acceleration in close proximity to each other (actually a tapestry
>> caused by variation in Casimir geometry). The end result is that you have
>> people like Naudts and Bourgoin using math normally reserved for photons
>> that can occupy the same spatial position being used for electrons that
>> cannot. This remains controversial but my posit is that such math is valid
>> when the electrons are in different inertial frames and the equation is
>> based on our perspective outside of the catalyst. The electrons appear to
>> occupy the same spatial position from our perspective outside the cavity and
>> shrink into deuterium ice or other condensed formations that don’t really
>> exist from their own local perspective – It is the same sort of Lorentzian
>> contractions and time dilations we see in spatial accelerations but in this
>> case we are suppressing the intersection rate of the time axis inside the
>> cavity instead of variations on the spatial axis. There is little need for
>> “spatial” displacement because we outside the cavity have a much larger time
>> quantum and are being rapidly displaced on the time axis from the shielded
>> contents in the catalyst. We are effectively equivalent to the spatially
>> displaced paradox twin while the contents of the cavity are equivalent to
>> the stationary twin –so when the hydrogen returns from the cavity we find it
>> has aged greatly and accomplished many more reactions than could have
>> occurred if it stayed in our inertial frame. My point being that this
>> environment provides multiple novel opportunities to extract energy from the
>> constant motion of gas thru the changing energy densities – Perhaps
>> dihydrinos can “parallel park” when they are in different fractional states
>> and the columbic barrier is reduced by a gamma factor?
>> Regards
>> Fran
>> *From:* Axil Axil []
>> *Sent:* Friday, May 13, 2011 1:08 PM
>> *To:*
>> *Subject:* EXTERNAL: Re: [Vo]:Rossi bets the farm on Ni62?
>> The cause of the cold fusion reaction must be universal as a lowest common
>> denominator among all the various varieties and instances of its occurrence.
>> In the same way that a solid like coal, a liquid like petrol, and a gas
>> like methane can each burn through a common hydrocarbon combustion
>> mechanism so to will cold fusion manifest in a single cause whether it be
>> the mills reaction, the Rossi reaction or the Ponds and Fleischman D-Pt
>> reaction.
>> Even though Larsen & Windom theory is invalid, their attempt to describe
>> cold fusion using a single causative mechanism is true to the mark.
>> Neither Mills nor Rossi has discovered the true theoretical basis for cold
>> fusion because that basis only addresses their particular reaction. The
>> universal truth of cold fusion must explain all of its varied manifestations
>> that have been observed so far and accurately predict new ones going
>> forward.
>> On Thu, May 12, 2011 at 12:38 PM, Jones Beene <>
>> wrote:
>> The reason that Andrea Rossi is so desperate to frame his E-Cat as
>> "nuclear"
>> is no mystery among patent attorneys who have looked into the various
>> filings.
>> Here is the first reason (priority date 2000):
>> Rossi's side may counter this broad application - and they might admit
>> that
>> even if there are no nuclear reactions in the E-Cat, then the Mills'
>> application is for catalytic hydrogen gain in a NON-nuclear reaction of
>> Ni-H
>> is framed for a plasma reactor, and NOT for gas-phase.
>> They could possibly win on that - BUT - Mills did revise this earliest
>> application, more than once - and claim 206 in the newest version states
>> explicitly:
>> [0206] "According to an embodiment of the invention, a reactor for
>> producing
>> hydrinos, plasma, and power may take the form of a hydrogen gas cell. A
>> gas
>> cell hydrogen reactor of the present invention is shown in FIG. 3.
>> Reactant
>> hydrinos are provided by a catalytic reaction with a catalyst such as at
>> least one of those given in TABLES 1 and 3 and/or a by a
>> disproportionation
>> reaction. Catalysis may occur in the gas phase."
>> And, as you might imagine - Nickel is listed in Table 3.
>> Catch-22 for all of this is: what priority date does Mills get on this
>> claim, since it was not in the original year 2000 filing?
>> If Rossi has can prove an earlier priority - then the situation could be
>> interesting.
>> If Defkalion is really looking at this technology as a long-term business
>> venture and not as a 'pump and dump' - then the smart thing to do IMHO -
>> would be to work out something with BLP ahead of time, and this could be
>> possible since Rossi may be a few months ahead on the priority date (this
>> issue of dates is not crystal clear at the moment).
>> Jones
> --
> Dr. Peter Gluck
> Cluj, Romania

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