

The one remaining possibility which could explain how the brilliant
scientist Mills' is being outflanked and outscored - thoroughly, and by a
lowly engineer working on a few percent of his budget, could relate to that
mysterious product: the CIHT, mentioned by Peter. It could be his last


Since it is a direct conversion device, and since that feature would make it
extremely important in terms of commercial value, a hero-product really:
relegating Rossi to the hot water market - then this explanation is


IOW - that when the direct converter was discovered - everything else at BLP
was dropped completely in favor of the (poorly named) device. Otherwise
Mills is not only an embarrassment, but almost a laughing stock due to the
missed opportunities, as you note.


For a long time, it had seemed to me that the delay in Mills' progress
towards getting his much publicized 'solid state' reactor into grid
operation - related to radioactive ash and activation - and the efforts to
get rid of radioactivity .. but perhaps not. This is because when V&B
essentially proved that there is no radioactivity in the Rossi device,
during or after a long and energetic run, then this outcome makes it also
not the problem for Mills that it seemed to be, at first.


The only present rationalization that allows Mills any wiggle-room for being
the scorned bridegroom who got left at the altar, is that he made the huge
breakthrough with the CIHT technology, which was so advantageous that it was
worth dropping everything else for - even a multi-year delay.


Of course, Mills might still fail to get it to market - just as happened
with the solid fuel (sodium hydride) reactor, and the Capstone micro-turbine
partnership before that, and. hold on, before that there was the reverse
gyratron, and so one. 


It is a long history of embarrassing disappointments - and it almost defies
the imagination that after 20 years he has nothing of value to show to the
public- given what Rossi has done (apparently) with so little funding.




From: Mark Iverson 


I renamed this thread cuz I'd like to hear opinions as to WHY an engineer
succeeded where ALL the scientists failed in optimizing the excess heat and
controllability of whatever this reaction is???


In our conversation about Mills/BLP, Peter wrote:

"His theory is OK, verified by experiment."


But an 'engineer' (i.e., someone not real knowledgeable about theoretical
foundations) optimized the excess heat effect and controllability of the
reaction in only a few years and with very little money compared to BLP (20
years and $60M)...


So either Mills' theory has serious errors or holes, or they have
incompetent scientists/engineering managers who are making bad decisions as
to what tests/experiments to do, thus wasting alot of time and not achieving
true UNDERSTANDING of what variables affect the reaction.


If Mills' theories were accurate, then optimizing/manipulating the reaction
mechanisms would have happened by now... and they would have beat Rossi to
the market.  What's more likely is that the conclusions that come out of
Mills' theories have caused them to go down numerous 'dead-ends'... and
Mills' ego refuses to acknowledge that his theory needs some serious




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