I beleive that this reference is the same as in my post "the dipole

On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 9:39 PM, Mark Iverson <markiver...@charter.net>wrote:

>  FYI:
> "Enhanced low energy fusion rate in palladium (Pd) due to vibrational
> deuteron dipole-dipole interactions and associated resonant tunneling that
> over-cancels the Jastrow factor between deuteron pair wavefunctions"
> Abstract
> We show that interstitial hydrogen nucleii on a metallic lattice are
> strongly coupled to their near neighbours by the unscreened electromagnetic
> field mediating transitions between low-lying states. We then show that in
> almost-stoichiometric PdD clusters, in which most interstitial sites are
> occupied by a deuteron, certain specific superpositions of many-site product
> states exist that are lower in energy than the single-site ground state,
> suggesting the existence of a new low temperature phase. The modified
> behaviour of the two-particle wavefunction at small separations is
> investigated and preliminary results *suggesting an over-canceling of the
> effective Coulomb barrier *are presented.
> *Mark N. Iverson*
> markiver...@charter.net

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