Awkshully, Mark -  you covered the H+H situation too, back in Jan:

but it bears repeating, since Dr Brown did comment directly to Rossi. 

The important things which Julian misses IMHO - and which makes this
energetic reaction both NON-fusion, energetic and sub-nuclear - is the Nyman
.... which explains how the probability of a strong force interaction
becomes far more likely than ever suspected - but since P+P fusion is
forbidden at low energy - we must resort to the Dirac alternative for gain,
which is the epo-field disruption by the strong force - resulting in 6.8 eV

This is the excess heat of the Rossi reaction IMO. Fortunately, the
hypothesis is falsifiable.


Julian Brown 
January 27th, 
Congratulations Mr Rossi. You may have saved the planet.
The anomaly has a relatively simple explanation:
Effective potential for H in Ni and Pd is very flat because of surrounding 
countercharge, so ground state of H has gaussian width of about 0.3
H-omega transition to 1st excited state in harmonic well is about 50 meV (8
THz). This frequency is not attenuated over lattice cell dimensions, so
transitions are unscreened.
Ground->excited -- exited->ground interaction between neighbours causes
excited doublet of two H to mix into bonding and anti-bonding states.
Splitting, large because of 0.3A width, may be greater than h-omega, so
state is actually true ground state.
Dipole attraction exactly cancels monopole repulsion at very short H-H 
Gaussian tail from neighbouring cell can overlap with other H without any 
exponential die-off, resulting in nuclear contact and some sort of p+p
Multisite coherence forbids emission of short wave quanta, so normal n,p,
channels are forbidden.
See for the details.

From: Mark Iverson 

No, the one in your post was:
"H-H dipole interactions in fcc metals"
which I think has been mentioned on vortex a few times.
What they have in common is the mind of J.S.Brown.

From: Axil Axil 
I beleive that this reference is the same as in my post "the dipole
On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 9:39 PM, Mark Iverson <>
"Enhanced low energy fusion rate in palladium (Pd) due to vibrational
deuteron dipole-dipole interactions and associated resonant tunneling that
over-cancels the Jastrow factor between deuteron pair wavefunctions"
We show that interstitial hydrogen nucleii on a metallic lattice are
strongly coupled to their near neighbours by the unscreened electromagnetic
field mediating transitions between low-lying states. We then show that in
almost-stoichiometric PdD clusters, in which most interstitial sites are
occupied by a deuteron, certain specific superpositions of many-site product
states exist that are lower in energy than the single-site ground state,
suggesting the existence of a new low temperature phase. The modified
behaviour of the two-particle wavefunction at small separations is
investigated and preliminary results suggesting an over-canceling of the
effective Coulomb barrier are presented.
Mark N. Iverson

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