> Just wanted to throw out a question to the Vort Collective...
> In an EM wave, why are the electric and magnetic fields perpendicular to
each other?

Because the electric and magnetic *effects* manifest perpendicularly?
The fields are an abstract(mental) construction.
In reality, there isn't an electric and a magnetic field. There is just
"something" )which in principle cannot be known directly), that manifests
electrically (inducing eddy currents) and magnetically (producing magnetic
In short: electricity and magnetism are both sides of the same coin, and
those sides are perpendicular to each other. Instead to opposite, like the
faces of a real coin :-)

Now, if you are asking for a more fundamental(topological?) reason those
effects act and manifest perpendicularly to each other, I would very much
like to hear it too.


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