Very thoughtful answer ...

... in fact the part about shear strain density seems to have relevance to
what I was trying to verbalize wrt the interplay between temperature,
electrical conductivity and mechanical strain in a few alloys: especially
constantan and similar strain gauge alloys. 

Hope this is not reading too much into your comments but the net effect of
electrothermal dynamics in a few alloys seems to be what can be called
"ghost current" in the sense of the anomalous energy across the alloy being
a function of Ohm's law: for instance where (E = .045 volt / R= 5 x 10-6)
and the resultant current I = 9,000 amps, yet without the expected physical
effects. This is an actual measurement, according to Dotto's patent.

IOW - as surprising as it may seem, this exact subject area has relevance to
a possible mechanism for enthalpy in a metal hydride devices (perhaps
including the Rossi device) when the active material has a negative
temperature coefficient of resistance. That is, when one assumes that to
avoid conservation of energy problems, there is access to a hidden source of
energy (ZPE) based on the precise physical dynamic of the hydride materials
at the correct nano-geometry.

Maybe I can make this clearer with a bit more contemplation ...


Subject: Re: [Vo]: Why are the electric and magnetic fields perpendicular?

Mark Iverson wrote: Just wanted to throw out a question to the Vort
In an EM wave, why are the electric and magnetic fields perpendicular to
each other? 

The answer to the question is really quite simple and it comes from our
definition of what these fields are - which is in turn dictated by what we
can measure with instruments.  The most fundamental quantity related to
these fields that nature seems to possess is a 3 dimensional time varying
charge displacement field whose dynamic characteristics are excellently
described by Maxwell's equations and whose definition seems most completely
given by the two components which are conventionally called the vector and
scalar potentials.  However to date we are unable measure either of these
components directly, but can only measure their differentials - eg the rate
of change of scalar potential with distance (= electric field) and the
integral around a loop (ie "curl") of the vector potential (= magnetic
field).  It turns out that when this charge displacement field is
propagating in a vacuum, these  two components are naturally perpendicular
because they are orthogonal components (in a mathematical sense) of the one
entity.  One might just as well ask "why is length always perpendicular to
breadth?".  The answer would be simply that it is a convenient way to
measure and define two independent components of a useful quantity called

To provide an intuitive illustration of an EM wave one might imagine a long
steel rod, one end of which is suddenly given a sharp torsional jerk or
twist.  This torsional displacement wave is a pure shear wave as there is no
compression or rarefaction associated with it, and it will propagate along
the rod from one end to the other as a coherent entity and at at
characteristic speed determined only by the density of the material and its
shear modulus (spring coefficient).  If the mass displacement in the
material is equated to the charge displacement in the vacuum then (I think!)
this becomes a very good analogy of an EM wave propagating in a vacuum.  The
reason I have chosen torsional waves is because as far as we know the vacuum
only supports charge based shear waves (ie displacement perpendicular to
propagation.  Experiments seem to prove that the vacuum does not support
charge based pressure waves - ie displacement parallel to propagation as in
sound waves  - which is very surprising and remarkable I think!)

If we now consider a small volume of the steel rod at its surface and
analyze the stresses and strains in that volume, then we can always identify
two conjugate quantities that between them support an oscillation and due to
their distributed nature support the wave propagation.  An analogous
quantity to the vector potential (charge proximity times its velocity per
unit volume) I think would be the linear momentum density (mass times
velocity per unit volume).  So the analogous quantity to the magnetic field
is the mathematical "curl" of this - which is how much rotational component
is present in this momentum.  This is very closely related to (and possibly
exactly equal to) the *angular* momentum density.  The direction of angular
momentum is always specified by the axis about which the quantity is
revolving - and so in the case of this small volume at the surface of the
rod, this axis is perpendicular to the surface of the rod.

The analogous quantity to the electric field (or electric displacement) I
think would be the shear strain density (ie how much the material is
displaced in shear per unit distance along the rod and per unit volume).
This shear displacement of course occurs in a direction which is tangential
to the surface of the rod and about its axis - that being the direction that
we applied the initial jerk.

So here we have the magnetic field (angular momentum density) which is
perpendicular to the surface of the rod, and the electric field (shear
strain density) which is tangential to the surface of the rod, and both of
these two are perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the wave
along the axis of the rod.  Now you can see that these two fields are simply
mathematically orthogonal energy components of the single entity which is
the wave motion.  They are perpendicular only because of the interacting
components and their definitions that we have chosen to describe the wave in
terms of - in this case "angular momentum" (kinetic energy) and "shear
strain" (potential energy) components.

If we chose instead to describe an EM wave in terms of its vector potential
(*linear* momentum density) and its electric field (shear strain density)
then these components would still be mathematically orthogonal but they
would be *parallel* in space.  (They must always however be perpendicular to
the direction of propagation because EM radiation supports axes of
polarization.)  So the conjugate fields of an EM wave are only perpendicular
because we chose to define the kinetic element in rotational units.  If
instead we chose linear units - such as the more fundamental but less
measurable "vector potential" or even the (possibly one-day measurable)
"time rate of change of vector potential", then the oscillating fields of an
EM wave would be parallel.

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