On 11-06-20 03:35 PM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:
At 04:02 PM 6/19/2011, Stephen A. Lawrence wrote:
I've asserted recently that it was "obvious" to me that the steam was wet, and I've said, several times, that it would take too long to explain why. I've got a few minutes, so I'll see if I can fit in a coherent explanation.

I think you have made some unwarranted assumptions, but let's see. By the way, I do think, from all the evidence, that there was some effluent water, it was not all dry steam. I'm not disagreeing with that conclusion, only with how you get there, which may very much affect our understanding of *how much* this was a problem.

The attached graph (with my annotations) is from the paper


It has several interesting points.

Aw, these reports drive me nuts. I'd not read this one, I think. They have a pump for cooling water, it seems. So when they start up, they are pumping an estimated 6.47 kg per hour of water. They assume that this flow rate remains the same. Why?

It's a constant displacement pump. That's what it does.

I'm banging my head against my desk. I have to stop doing that.

However, it's not a *terrible* assumption. It merely raises its own problems. What I'd worry about, here, is in the other direction. They have this thing boiling away all the feed water. That means they cannot guarantee that the chamber cools at a constant rate, I suspect, as there comes to be less water in the chamber, the cooling rate will go down. Control problem. This thing gets hotter, the cooling declines, so it gets even hotter .... Unless they back way off on the input power, quickly.

You have put your finger on the problem. There is no need to go any farther.

Unfortunately, you took your finger off the problem later on, where you apparently forgot about the "constant flow rate" assumption... it's that CD pump which at the heart of all of this.

First, as I've said in previous email, the total power dissipated in the device can be estimated from the slope of the curve and the temperature of the effluent. The power needed to heat the output water goes up linearly with the temperature of the output water, and the power needed to heat the device goes up linearly with the slope of the curve.


There was a claim of "ignition" at about 60C, at which point the device started generating power.

Looks like that.

In fact, the graph says that can't be right. If the device generated no power before it hit 60 degrees, the temperature would not have gotten to 60 degrees so quickly, because (as stated in the paper) the heater temperature was only adequate to maintain it at 60 degrees with the flow rate used in the experiment. So, the heating curve, instead of looking like a straight line, would look like a capacitor charging curve, and it would have taken much, much longer to reach "ignition".

This is the problematic assumption: that the input power "was only adequate to maintain it at 60 degrees with the flow rate used." This is derived from their statement: "If no additional heat had been generated internally, the temperature would not exceed the 60 °C recorded at 10:36."

That's preposterous, as you note. Had there been no generated heat, there would have been a continued rise in temperature, at the previous rate of increase, declining asymptotically, as you state. Quite simply, there is no stated basis for this claim.

Of course there's a simple basis for it (but not a *stated* basis, admittedly, but it's an awfully simple step to get here):

The flow rate (which is *fixed* by the CD pump), times the coolant temperature rise (scaled by the specific heat, of course), gives the power carried off by the coolant. They're claiming that the heater power and power carried off by the coolant match at 60C.

If they don't, then the paper is in error. It would be pretty simple to check their arithmetic on this one but it didn't occur to me to do so; so, they could very well be wrong about this, which would in turn throw off my calculations (but not the overall conclusion).

It should therefore, be discounted. The experimental evidence shows otherwise, so I assume this was a simple error on their part. I'll assume that they intended to say that "
the rate of increase of temperature would not have increased."

You can assume they said something other than they said, but it's not what they said.

The steam was claimed to be dry in this experiment.

Yes. That claim comes from a visual examination of the steam valve, and assumes that there was no flow out of the hose at this point. Again, they are not explicit about this, but they only talk about "visual checks of the outlet tube and the valve letting out steam from the chimney." If there is no flow out of the outlet tube (the hose?} and there is live steam at the valve, easily seen by the short gap where the steam is invisible, the physical arrangement would be adequate for this assumption to be at least approximately correct. They measure steam quality:

"Between 11:00 and 12:00 o’clock, control measurements were done on how much water that had not evaporated. The system to measure the non-evaporated water was a certified Testo System, Testo 650, with a probe guaranteed to resist up to 550°C. The measurements showed that at 11:15 1.4% of the water was non-vaporized, at 11:30 1.3% and at 11:45 1.2% of the water was non-vaporized.

Did they measure this inside the "outlet tube," i.e., inserting the probe through the thermocouple access port? I notice no gap in the temperature recording from the thermocouple. So there is a question there.

However, this is where we rely on "authority." I don't see any reason to suspect that Essen and Kullen didn't know what they were doing. What I can say is that *from the report alone,* there are questions. Let's see what Stephen comes up with.

In that case, the output power was something on the order of 10 kW once it started producing steam. But the output power before that point, which we can read from the graph, was about a factor of eight less than that. So, once it hit boiling, the output power must have increased eight fold, very rapidly -- certainly more rapidly than the power had been increasing up to that point. But then, since the effluent temperature did not rise above 101C, the power generation must have stopped its meteoric rise at exactly the core temperature needed to keep the effluent at 101C, no more, no less.

There is a problem, but the effect of boiling water isn't being considered. When you boil water, the temperature of the water (at atmospheric pressure) wlll not increase beyond 100 C, and the steam will be at that temperature. Because of effects from the cooling chamber walls being at slightly higher than boiling (it must be, average), the temperature will be *slightly* above 100, which will, aside from bulk water, if present, dry steam. Assuming the temperature measurements are accurate, this is a confirmation of (mostly) dry steam.

GAAAH -- No! You are forgetting that there is a CONSTANT FLOW RATE from the CD pump!

Get that straight, or you totally miss the point. The situation is *entirely* *different* from the situation in a boiler with a fixed allocation of water.

Since you apparently misunderstood that, there is no point in reading the rest of this, aside from a quick skim which indicates to me that the misunderstanding of the flow rate does indeed persist.


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