I disagree with your assumption about he common characteristic table.  The 
chart for the high temperature sensors lists a different accuracy for the %RH 
than is listed in the common characteristics table. 

There is another explanation for the stable output temperature besides wet 
steam that should be ruled out:

If the reactor piping has a significant volume and the reactor is charged with 
water prior to being energized then the temperature of the output steam would 
be as observed even if the rate of steam production was not equal to the input 
flow rate.  For the short demonstrations so far this explanation would be 
sufficient to explain the observed results if the assumptions are correct.

The only way that you would see a significant change in the temperature of the 
output steam is if the heating took place after evaporation or under pressure.  
It seems logical to assume that most of the heat is transferred to the water at 
a liquid/reactor core interface.

The 18 hour test did show fluctuations in output power however.

Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2011 11:14:17 -0500
Subject: Re: [Vo]:E-Cat vs. Water Heater for coffee/tea...
From: joshua.c...@gmail.com
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com

On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 10:36 AM, Finlay MacNab <finlaymac...@hotmail.com> 

There are several different part numbers listed in the sensor chart in the pdf.

A number of them are rated to 150C.

Again, I think you're reading that wrong. There is a table that gives the 
"application range" for RH and temperature measurement in two columns. The 
application range for temperature measurement is -40 to 150C. I don't think 
that means the RH can be measured over that range.

Below the table, there is a section called "common characteristics" (meaning it 
applies to all of the probes in the table) and for the RH sensors, it gives the 
"sensor operating temperature" as -20 to 80C.


It would appear that the measurement would benefit from a measurement of 
pressure inside the reactor in order to confirm the steam is super heated.

Assuming it could be measured accurately enough, and the water is pure enough.
I think the flat temperature curve is better evidence that the steam is not 
superheated. Look at any of the temperature graphs. As the temperature 
increases, the curve is not perfectly smooth. There are small fluctuations. But 
when the bp is reached, it is completely flat, as if there is some fundamental 
physical reason for it. That reason is the presence of liquid water.

It would be much easier and much more convincing if a small reduction in the 
flow rate caused the steam to go substantially above boiling by 10 or more 
degrees. But in all the experiments, the steam temperature is always flat, and 
within a degree or so of 100C.

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