!!! Abd,

I enjoyed the clarity, flow, eloquence, dignity, and reasonableness of
your sharing.

You cast a net that readily includes me and Joshua Cude.

Again, I submit that the many setups that report transmutations and
isotopic shifts are the easiest and swiftest routes to repeatable runs
that generate samples that can be precisely examined in the micro to
nano region by competent labs forever -- hopefully, many samples have
been archived since 1989 and from previous anomaly reports.

One barrier is cost.  But in our world hundreds of thousands of people
are showing interest this year in LENR -- couldn't a wiki group be
evolved to sell stock as a reasonable profit public service
corporation to specifically finance accurate testing of samples with
complete open to the public real-time access to all aspects of daily
operations, including a searchable archive of all public comments? I
have a brilliant friend who already owns a scanning electron
microscope and has his own supercomputer, made of 23 wirelessly
networked computers. Probably, certain venture capitalists would be
willing to help launch this.

Within a month, samples from a few setups can be tested -- Rossi,
Dash, SPAWAR, your DPd electrolysis runs, "milk tree" corrosion in
high density polyethylene high voltage runs -- verified anomalies
would generate specific data for theorizing, and galvanize science
exponentially.  Sell books, videos, and feature length films to expand

How can ownership and patent rights be protected for the world public good?

I think his friends should explain to Rossi that he has to immediately
verify dry steam output in one of his cells.  Whether or not the
excess heat claim fails, the possibility of transmutations can be
quickly explored -- after all, what time and cost does it take to run
a few expert micro and nano measures?

I went to a few Landmark events with our wonderful friend in early
1995, and thought they were a typical cult group think process, like
Mormon Church, early Christian Science, Arica Training, Da Free John,
TM, Andrew Cohen, Scientology, blue green algae, Atkins Diet, Gary
Renard, Endeavor Academy in Wisconsin, early Naropa Institute,
Rajneesh,  Muktananda, Babaji, Dahn Yoga -- as unpredictably dangerous
and beneficial as anything else in actual life -- no way I would
devote my limited funds -- my experience is that such groups always
expel me fairly quickly -- so for decades I just visit and run -- EST
evolved into The Forum evolved into Landmark -- exponential multilevel
schemes are a fatal symptom -- if not democratic without secrets, I
would never join -- I am keenly interested in how you apply it.

In mutual service, Rich

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