Michele Comitini wrote:

As I have said here, flow meters tend to be a pain in the butt.
A water tank where to put outgoing water and get volume by measuring
height.  I don't think he would have
many more problems with mass/volume water in liquid phase than he has
with steam...

At high power a tank fills up quickly. You have to keep measuring it and dumping it. You could not do this for a test lasting hours or days. You might take a sample every hour and extrapolate. In most case the flow rate will remain fairly stable. But this is not a good method. (There's that Japanese word again! This would be "iikagen.")

You need a flow meter to do this right. In the 18-hour test they reportedly did use a flow meter. I asked them what make and model. They never responded so I did not include this detail in my description.

It is annoying that they did not respond. They reportedly used a conventional, off-the-shelf analog meter such as the water meter at your house. These things cost ~$50 and they are perfectly suited to this flow rate and volume. If they had just provided a few more solid details such as the make and model of the flow meter, the exact temperature of the tap water, and a graph of the inlet and outlet temperatures, the 18-hour test report would be a lot more convincing.

I asked for more information, but only once or twice. I did not press the issue. As I see it, it is not my job to make their case for them. If they don't want to publish a convincing account of their work, that's their problem, not mine. I am pleased to assist people writing and editing papers when they ask me to. But LENR-CANR.org is a library, not a journal. I do not take sides. I do not endorse claims. I am as neutral as I can bring myself to be.

LENR-CANR is nothing like Krivit's "New Energy Times" where he campaigns in favor of a theory or tries to make researchers he disagrees with such as McKubre look bad, with preposterous accusations. There are several researchers in this field that I personally think are nitwits. A few I suspect may be liars, and one or two seem to have a screw loose. But I would not name names or make accusations. I guess if I suspected Rossi and Levi are lying I would not upload the data from their tests. I would upload whatever papers they provide and let the reader decide.

- Jed

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