Considering Jouni's recent challenge:

> ...I will challenge you for 40 euros that Rossi does
> not do a fraud. If E-Cat is true, you pay 40 euros to charity,
> and if not I pay 40 euros for charity.

This strikes me as a civilized bet, one that could be formalized
between two reasonable individuals who respectfully differ on certain

The only problem with this wager, as I perceive it, is how does one
determine fraud?

Granted, if Rossi's dog and pony show gets off the ground in October
Abd would be obliged to generously pay 40 euros to his favorite
charity. But if October comes and goes, does that automatically mean
Rossi is a fraud, and Charles needs to reciprocate? Of course not,
particularly if "technical difficulties" become more apparent as the
deadline approaches.

My own predilections pertaining to the fascinating Rossi enigma is
that "technical difficulties" may delay the October show - or perhaps
it will be significantly downgraded into a less impressive "demo". Of
course, I hope I'm wrong.

Perhaps Charles and Hope should set a realistic time-table or deadline
for when fraud should be officially declared.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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