Jones Beene <> wrote:

An individual fat-Cat may run longer than 4 hours on the average run, and he
> probably expected at least 8 hours based on the original time schedule. But
> also - it was clear (to a few of us) that Rossi had most likely faced this
> exact problem before (rapid die-off) . . .

That is incorrect. There was no rapid die off. On the contrary, the power
was increasing before Rossi took steps to turn it off deliberately. Rossi
and Lewan both reported that the cell was de-gassed and the cooling rate
increased to quench the reaction. Rossi told this to Ed Storms and me. Had
Rossi had not de-gassed it, the reaction might have continued indefinitely.

The reaction was quenched at the request of observers who wanted to look
inside the reactor.

Similar gas loaded systems such as Arata's have run continuously for weeks.
Gas-loaded powder seems to be remarkably stable material, compared to things
like bulk palladium.

Horace Heffner and some other people have also mistakenly reported that the
reaction died off on its own. Lewan's report clearly states that is not what

There is no indication how long a putative quiescent period would be before
> another hot run is possible.

I have heard it usually turns on faster than this. There is no indication
that heat after death needs to die off before it is triggered again, in a
"quiescent period." As far as I know, no one has reported that.  Where did
you hear that a "quiescent period" is needed?

- Jed

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