Peter Gluck <> wrote:

The answer to your question can be given only by experiment.

I gather the "question" being: Will this system run indefinitely without
input power? "Indefinitely" is an indefinite description, meaning I do not
know how long it might run. There is no question it would have run longer
than 4 hours.

Rossi claims his system is absolutely different
> from all the other LENRs so what happens in an Arata Cell is not valid for
> the E-cat.

The fact that Rossi makes this claim does not prove the claim is true. He
does not "own" this reaction in the sense that he can declare what it is or
how it works. His opinion has no more authority than, say, that of Piantelli
or Storms.

In their White Paper, Defkalion claimed that this reaction has nothing to do
with cold fusion. All of cold fusion researchers I know disagree with them.

> It is now the time Rossi should predict the duration of the
> 1 MW demo- and this cannot be a few hours.

There is no indication this will be in heat-after-death mode. The
large-scale reactor that supposedly ran in a factory for months was not in
heat-after-death mode as far as I know.

- Jed

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