I agree with what you say, however I cannot believe
the story of the factory heated with such an generator.
Actually it was a lot of involution in E-cats from the start till now (e.g.
O/U from a spectacular 200:1 to a modest 6;1, power form 12 to 3 kW) but so
much regress is not believable.

On Wed, Oct 19, 2011 at 6:02 PM, Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Peter Gluck <peter.gl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The answer to your question can be given only by experiment.
> I gather the "question" being: Will this system run indefinitely without
> input power? "Indefinitely" is an indefinite description, meaning I do not
> know how long it might run. There is no question it would have run longer
> than 4 hours.
> Rossi claims his system is absolutely different
>> from all the other LENRs so what happens in an Arata Cell is not valid for
>> the E-cat.
> The fact that Rossi makes this claim does not prove the claim is true. He
> does not "own" this reaction in the sense that he can declare what it is or
> how it works. His opinion has no more authority than, say, that of Piantelli
> or Storms.
> In their White Paper, Defkalion claimed that this reaction has nothing to
> do with cold fusion. All of cold fusion researchers I know disagree with
> them.
>> It is now the time Rossi should predict the duration of the
>> 1 MW demo- and this cannot be a few hours.
> There is no indication this will be in heat-after-death mode. The
> large-scale reactor that supposedly ran in a factory for months was not in
> heat-after-death mode as far as I know.
> - Jed

Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

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