Rossi has stated each E-Cat module has it own control system. There are 2 wires / cables connected to each module in addition to a earth wire plus the 2 heater power wires. I doubt the 2 non heater power wires are there for show. Additionally it has been disclosed that Rossi and NI have been working together for some time as well as the fact that Rossi had 107 modules working in parallel for 5.5 hours and maintained a very good regulation on the heat output. I really doubt he can manually control 107 E-Cat modules for 10 minutes yet alone for 5.5 hours.There must be a good control system with monitoring and control for each E-Cat module as well as a master control system to coordinate the 107 modules to maintain the desired operational mode and output.

He has also stated that each plant is delivered with a fully functional control system and full instructions for plant start up and operation.

There is much that Rossi has yet to reveal.


On 11/11/2011 11:06 PM, Vorl Bek wrote:
Higgins Bob-CBH003<>  wrote:

One of the reasons that Rossi may not wish to run a very long
test is that
I suspect that HE is the control mechanism.  When it is run
in self-sustaining mode, after some period it will need to be
briefly reheated to stabilize the mode.  If it was not in
self-sustaining mode, then it may be in greater danger of
thermal run-away . . .

This is what Rossi has said on many occasions. He says he cannot
leave the thing, especially in self-sustaining mode.
The idea that Rossi would do an unconvincing demo because he
needed to empty his bladder or get some sleep, and could not
delegate control for a while, makes little sense.

Rossi is not doing the whole thing by himself. He has a
team working with/for him. If he wanted to put on a convincing
demo, especially when the observers included an engineer from
NASA, a possible source of all that nice money, then wouldn't he
have taught the team members how to do whatever was needed to
periodically stabilize the reaction?

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