Mary you just do not get it do you? You can't go around saying you think Rossi may have scammed investors. That is defamation. You don't know if he has any investors, do you? You don't know how he raised his funding do you? Well he did that by selling a business and selling his house.


On 11/12/2011 2:08 PM, Mary Yugo wrote:

On Fri, Nov 11, 2011 at 7:21 PM, Aussie Guy E-Cat < <>> wrote:

    You claimed Rossi may have scammed investors. Prove it or stop
    making up statement that you may wish to be real.

You're making stuff up. I already said I wish Rossi would be real. And yes, he may have scammed investors. He also might not. I believe that covers it.

    BTW to engineers, he has proved the E-Cat works and that is all he
    needs to do. Why? Because his customers are engineering firms who
    do know how to measure the heat the E-Cat generates and how much
    energy it consumes. Case closed.

I have no idea how you know his customers are anything. He never named them. He never showed a customer! Supposedly there was an engineer from the buyer. Nobody could confirm that he was. Interestingly, he was at the exit interview and nobody seemed to ask him anything difficult. Did they even ask anything of the engineer?

No other client possibilities have emerged. NI certainly is not one despite Craig Brown's foolishly premature post. The case is far from "closed".

I doubt that Rossi will ever scam an engineering firm, a big power company, a prestigious factory that needs a heater or anyone who has capable people on staff. Certainly he won't scam money out of anyone who consults with Rothwell or Cude or Lawrence or Heffner or Murray or many of the people who write regularly on this list that I may not yet know. That doesn't mean he can't bamboozle a few investors who have more money than good sense. Maybe already has or is planning to soon. I have no idea. What Rossi does seems to me to not make much sense. That new web site is an example. It's just weird.

I don't mean to hurt your feelings. You seem really enamored of this thing. If I upset you that much, maybe you'd prefer I not respond to you?

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