
Defamation would be:  "Rossi is a scammer"
A personal opinion and perfectly legal:  "Rossi may be a scammer (also he
may not be one).  Freedom of speech on that one, I think."

Really -- I had this issue come up before and I checked with an attorney
who specializes in it.  There's no defamation in suggestion a possibility.
And the first sentence is only defamation if Rossi is not a scammer and can
prove it in court.  I'm not sure he could!  He'd have to show to the
court's satisfaction that the E-cat was real and worked as advertised!
Would he do that?  He sure hasn't so far.

Does Rossi have investors?  Does Rossi have customers?  Did Rossi use his
own money?  Did Rossi sell his house?  Well I suppose we could check on the
sale but we still wouldn't know the motive if he did sell a house.  But on
the other issues, the only thing you're going on is WHAT ROSSI SAID!  Why
do you do that?  How in the world would you know if Rossi had secret
investors and how can you know he doesn't?   Yet you believe him when he
says he has a secret client.  Sorry but this is too funny for words.

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