Hello! Welcome to AptyeryxOz

*Ever wondered what life would be like if electricity cost next to nothing
to generate and the resulting products from the actual generation (The
"ashes") was essentially household copper.*

*What if the component materials used to create the heat required to
generate the electricity were in the top ten most common elements in the

Well, that's where we will be if recent work done in Low Energy Nuclear
Reaction (LENR) pans out as expected. The work I'm writing about is that of
*Mr. Andrea Rossi*<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrea_Rossi_(entrepreneur)>
 and *Prof. Sergio Focardi* <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sergio_Focardi> both
of Bologna, in Italy.

 Read more <http://www.apteryxoz.com/AboutUs.aspx>


On Sat, Nov 12, 2011 at 8:28 AM, Rich Murray <rmfor...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Vivid details on extremely cunning, well organized, intricate street scam
> to catch wealthy tourists one by one within a web of fake stock market
> speculation in the 1920's... an education for me...

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