Rossi has a US Patent application:

--On Saturday, November 12, 2011 11:38 PM -0500 Jed Rothwell 
<> wrote:

On Sat, Nov 12, 2011 at 10:33 PM, Mary Yugo <> wrote:

Yes, I think most experts would say they do.

That I would like to know more about.  It should be easy to show -- add the 
catalyst and get
evidence for a nuclear reaction namely neutrons and/or radiation.

This test will not work. Cold fusion does not produce neutrons and it seldom 
produces radiation.
I have told you that before. If you do not believe me, please review the 
literature on your own.

I think most readers here are familiar with the literature. Please do not make 
assertions about
cold fusion that all readers here know to be incorrect. This is not a 
beginner's forum. Beginners
should read the introductory papers by Storms at, or the first 
chapter of my book.


  Run the same way without the catalyst and the evidence of nuclear reaction 
Someone has done that?  Can you provide a link or citation?

Of course. Hundreds of researchers have done that. Typically they run Pt 
instead of Pd, or H
instead of D (with Pd). If you did not know that, you need to read the 


Please avoid trying to read my mind.  I would be totally, completely and 
unequivocally delighted
if cold fusion turns out to be feasible and substantial.

I doubt that. Every expert I know -- except for Britz -- who has looked 
carefully at the evidence
was convince that cold fusion is real. You say it is not real. It is difficult 
not to read your
mind. You almost force me to suppose:

You are no expert despite the fact that you say you have worked with 
calorimeters. I doubt that.


You refuse to look at the evidence, despite all the effort you put into writing 
these messages
and campaigning against cold fusion on the Internet. It seems extraordinary to 
me that someone
who expends so much effort on the subject knows practically nothing about cold 
fusion. In this
very message you claim that cold fusion produces neutrons and radiation, even 
though I have told
you many times that they do not. Either you are being disingenuous or you 
cannot bring yourself
to study or remember anything about this subject, even the ABC's that have been 
common knowledge
for 22 years!

A person who spends years writing about something yet who does not know the 
first thing about it
in denial. Strongly in denial. That is a sign of a person who does not want to 
know. Who cannot
face facts. That is not characteristic of someone who would be "delighted" to 
be proven wrong.
If you were the least bit delighted at that prospect, you would read the 
literature to find out
if there is some tantalizing hope the claims might be true. You would 
acquire some basic
knowledge of the phenomenon. Instead, you are aggressively ignorant, to the 
point where you
repeatedly ask questions about things that everyone knows.

Robert Park is the same way, by the way. He brags to people that he has never 
read a single paper
on cold fusion. I am sure he has read nothing, because his books and his 
columns about it are
grossly ignorant.


I am not aware that Park has done what you accuse him of.

I do not accuse him of anything! He brags about doing these things. To large 
crowds of people at
the APS. He bragged about it to me, in person. He publishes columns in the 
Washington Post
accusing cold fusion researchers of being criminals, lunatics and frauds.

Perhaps he is not as ruthless as he claims to be. Perhaps he did not actually 
destroy as many
lives and "root out" as many scientists as he claims. I know he managed to root 
out some, and I
am sure he would love to nail them all.

But in any case, I am not accusing him of anything; I am telling you what he 
says. If you do not
believe me, read his columns, or the WaPost, or ask him yourself.

When he realizes that he himself should have been "rooted out" decades ago, I 
expect he will be

Any idea why anyone would do that?

Are you asking why Park "roots out" cold fusion researchers? As I mentioned, in 
his newspaper
columns and speeches he says he roots them out because they are criminals, 
lunatics and
frauds. I suppose he sincerely believes that. I take his statements at face 
value. But as I
said, ask him.

  It makes no sense and I tend to doubt it.

You tend to doubt that Park said what he said? It is right there in the WaPost! 
Maybe he is
beginning to have doubts . . . but in the past, he loved to attack cold fusion.

 As for destroying reputations, nothing restores them more than a few good 
experiments with
convincing results and reliable data subject to replication by others.

That is nonsense. Hundreds of impeccable, irrefutable cold fusion experiments 
have been published
and replicated. That has had no effect on public opinion. Park says he will 
never read any of
those papers because he is sure they are nonsense, lies and fraud. That's what 
he told McKubre,
and me. Heck, you have not read them, or you have forgotten everything they say.

When Park, or the people at the DoE refuse to look at the evidence, they cannot 
be swayed. The
history of science and technology is chock full of people who refused to 
look. There are none so
blind as those who will not see.

- Jed

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