On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 10:23 AM, Jones Beene <jone...@pacbell.net> wrote:

>  *From:* Terry Blanton****
> ** **
> Imagine yourself in Paris around the turn of the century. You would have
> been at a similar “loss for words.” But the establishment found a way to
> save face, as always.****
> ** **
> Wait a minute … not the “last turn of the century” but the one before that
> – where in 1896 Becquerel discovered that uranium emitted extremely
> powerful rays. There was no name for this apparent violation of CoE … at
> least not till Madame C. provided one along with the proof that certain
> “Laws” needed to be reworded – and a whole new field opened up.

Surely you're not saying that radioactivity violates COE?  Yes, Rossi or
anyone could tap into a source of energy never known before such as
radioactivity was before it was discovered.  But let's show that it
happened in a credible manner before worrying about *how* they may have
done it.

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