On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 12:55 PM, Alan J Fletcher <a...@well.com> wrote:

> At 12:25 PM 11/17/2011, Mary Yugo wrote: No secrets-- just results in
> terms of methods used, instruments used,  raw data obtained and computed
> results.  No gamma spectrum or anything else he supposedly objects to.
> You demand the trade secrets of everything you buy?  I thought you'd be
> happy if it were unicorn-powered.

No. Perhaps you misread what I wrote or I was not clear?   I only demand
good tests of radical new claims before I buy anything.  I don't understand
your problem with my response.  I'd buy a unicorn powered generator too if
someone could prove by proper testing that it made cheap energy.

| What's their gamma-ray spectrum?

I was referring to a test Rossi objected to that someone wanted to run in
one of his first public demonstrations.  The nuclear physicist who was
doing the radiation monitoring wanted to do some sort of spectroscopy on
the radiation from the E-cat.  Apparently it did produced some back then.
Rossi objected.  I don't want to do anything like that -- no need.  A three
week run at a verified 1kW excess output over some reasonable input (less
than 300 watts for example) or something proportional but different from
that example would be fine.  Under independent testing, of course.  No
Rossi fingers adjusting anything.

The points you may have missed are that I would want verified performance
numbers before buying an E-cat and they would need to be iron clad but I
would not ask for anything that could be remotely interpreted as asking for
trade secrets.  Do you have a problem with any of that in the prior
sentence?  If it's not clear, by all means ask again and I'll do my best to
explain it more.

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