Be careful what you ask for Mary.  I just wish Rossi had a good sense of humor.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mary Yugo <>
To: vortex-l <>
Sent: Thu, Nov 17, 2011 3:29 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:High school physics says > 1 GJ excess energy for the Oct. 28 

On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 12:05 PM, Alan J Fletcher <> wrote:

At 11:45 AM 11/17/2011, Mary Yugo wrote:

I believe that is what the demand for independent university or government 
tests are for.

If he offered to sell you one, on condition that you could test it to your 
satisfaction before paying (clams?), would you buy it?

Absolutely!  As long as I get to chose the escrow company.
The other problem is that I don't want a huge kludge for 2 million dollars!  
I'd be happy to buy a small E-cat for say, $100K?   I'd set up the tests with 
some help from heat transfer/fluid flow specialists I know and it shouldn't 
take more than two weeks plus agreed on run time to do due diligence and 
acceptance testing.  All I would require would be that it run a long time (2-3 
weeks would be fine) and make a robust amount of excess energy  -1 kW 
continuous would be fine.  I'd be delighted (and would be able) to pay $100K 
for that.  I'd also require that Rossi allow the test results to become public. 
 No secrets-- just results in terms of methods used, instruments used,  raw 
data obtained and computed results.  No gamma spectrum or anything else he 
supposedly objects to.

I am pretty sure nothing like that will be made available to anyone.  Do you 
have reason to believe it will?  If not, why did you ask?

It would have been entirely in Rossi's interest to get one university (or 
famous lab) test rather than the dog and pony shows he provided yet he never 
did it.

BTW, I offered $100K cash on the spot to Dennis Lee and Jeff Otto for their HHO 
assisted Honda Accord that they advertised on their web site made 100 miles per 
gallon of gasoline.  I only asked that it have the same (or greater) 
performance and curb weight as the stock model and that the performance be 
verified on a dynamometer of my choosing.  Also that all the hydrogen be 
generated from electricity derived from engine power without external supplies 
of electricity and that the test be long enough (several thousand miles to rule 
out chemical energy storage or fuel inside the chassis or some other 
subterfuge).   All I heard were crickets in the night.  The offer was made on 
Sterling Allan's web site.  

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