Robert Leguillon <> wrote:

> You claimed previously that you didn't know of any smart people that
> disagreed on the results of Rossi's demos . . .

That is not quite what I said. I do not know any smart people -- or stupid
ones either -- who disagree for valid technical reasons.

Regarding cold fusion in general I know many smart people who do not know
the first thing about it yet who say with great authority that it does not

> Obviously you respect Ahern's technical abilities. So, now that Ahern is
> claiming excess power with Ni-H, but doubting Rossi's claims, could you ask
> him why he doubts the demonstrations? Maybe he has some new revelations?

No, he has none. I have discussed this with him. His reasons are similar to
Mary Yugo's. He points to Rossi's personality, his dark past in which he
was convicted of defrauding himself, and -- for example -- the fact that
Rossi demonstrated different types of reactors in the different tests. Like
Yugo he refuses to address the fact that these tests are first principle
proof even though the instruments are inadequate. The proof is not based on
the instruments. I expect he understands that whereas I'm sure Yugo does

He is not as bad as Yugo insofar as he admits that Rossi does have heat
sometimes to some extent. As I said he would be crazy to deny this given
his own results.

This is an emotional response. It is unbecoming of a scientist, but after
all scientists are only human.

- Jed

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