Mary, I have a nice infinite COP device in my pocket to show you. I produces electricity from no known energy source. That is as long as you forget about the discovery of the photovoltaic effect in 1839. Ok, I agree that in 2011 the device will not meet your requirements. BUT in 1838 it would have. Same physics, just in 1838 we did not know that we knew in 1839. Today with LENR we have a different dog (PV effect / LENR) but with the same leg action (lack of understanding of why and how it works).


On 11/20/2011 3:02 PM, Daniel Rocha wrote:
OK, deal :)

2011/11/20 Mary Yugo < <>>

    OK, so you say.  If you come up with something, I would be more
    than delighted to help you test it so nobody with an IQ > 10 can
    deny it's real.  And I can find you a Daddy Warbucks too if you
    need one.  But please, first make something that makes a decent
COP with acceptable power input or better yet no power in at all. And make sure it runs a few weeks with very little overall volume
    and using only tiny amount of fuel.  Then, we'll talk.  I'll
    gladly give up my anonymity if you have something like that in
    your pocket.

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