My understanding is the coolant did, in Feb, go around the single Door Knob style reactor core but it no longer does. IE the heat radiation fins and the 3 cores embedded in lead. I have no real issues using a heat exchanger as long as I get a real time digital readout of the water flow rate into my data logger. As for the 6 Oct measurements, I do accept the engineers who measure this stuff all the time saying the measurements were close enough. I have looked at the videos and the data collected. I agree with them. My delta T temp probe placements will be in the middle of the water stream, inside the water hoses but not touching the inside wall of the water hose.


On 11/21/2011 2:48 AM, Mary Yugo wrote:

On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 2:06 AM, Aussie Guy E-Cat < <>> wrote:

    I'm happy to replicate the 6 Oct 2011 test setup. In fact I'll
    insist on it as then I know what to expect. I'll bring temp, water
    flow and power input monitoring equipment, plus the digital cro
    and the data logger. I'm not initially interested in self sustain
    mode but will insist on at least 24 hours or as long as I can stay
    awake powered mode measurements that show a min COP 6. I should be
    able to stay awake for at least 48 hours with good Italian Short

You should replicate Levi's February test method, using a simple liquid water (or glycol) coolant stream without making any steam. There is no way to know that the October 6 setup really measured the output heat correctly. I won't repeat all the reasons why or the possible corrections again.

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