COP 6 powered mode. The first test I will request is of a single E-Cat module and then when the 100 kW plant is ready to roll out, return to do another test. I expect to learn a lot in the first test and will be better able to tailor the 100 kW test protocol. We are on the same page with the 25 deg C delta T for the first single E-Cat test. Hard to cock that up. Well lets hope so. The 100 kW test plant will be using diathermic oil, so we will fab up a recycling system with a similar, flow load wise, heat exchanger that we will use in Oz.


On 11/21/2011 2:53 AM, David Roberson wrote:
Those are excellent suggestions. One consideration about the flow rate. Since you are ordering and I presume testing a 100 kW system, the delta temperature will be many times larger than the one tested on October 6 at the rate used then. I suggest that it would be wise to set the output flow rate to achieve a delta temperature of say 20 to 30 C as the target. We can assist you in determining the flow rate that should accomplish that goal ahead of time if you like. Also, which power rating are you ordering from Rossi? Is it the driven level or the self sustaining one?

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