On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 12:24 PM, Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I meant:
> Defkalion says they have NOT paid anything. Rossi says they have not paid
> him anything.
> I'll take their word for it, rather than your interpretation of the Google
> computer's auto-translation of a Greek newspaper.
> Anyway, who gives a damn how much anyone has paid to anyone else? What
> difference does that make? It is their business.

No it isn't just their business.  Rossi has claimed on many occasions that
he can't be a scammer because he took no money from anyone.  He claimed he
spent all his own money and even had to sell his house -- that was on his
blog and answers to interview questions.  Many people who believe Rossi
believe him mainly because they can't understand how he could profit from a
scam without taking money.

Now it turns out that Ampenergo claims they gave him substantial sums,
Defkalion seems to be saying the same, and Rossi apparently asked Quantum
and NASA for $15 million or more.  And of course, nobody knows how much he
may have collected or be about to collect from anonymous investors under
NDA's.  The reason the NyTeknik information and Krivit's are important is
that they destroys Rossi's claim that he can't be a scammer because he
either did not receive money and/or did not solicit it.  Either or both
seem to be another lie.

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