On Sat, 2011-11-26 at 14:43 -0800, Mary Yugo wrote:
> I'm sure someone will explain it and make excuses for Rossi.  If it's
> not a correct quote, I'd expect Celani to deny he wrote or said it and
> Rossi to correct it.

What would be the advantage to Rossi if he provided a conclusive test? 

He's already sold 13 of these things and plans to deliver in them in 3
months. If he really has orders backed up for these, then he could
probably make a couple hundred million dollars by the time people
realize that his device works. At that point, isn't there a good chance
that his progress may be significantly stifled if some nuclear
regulatory agency shuts him down? Before they tested his device and
concluded that it was safe enough to build, might this not be a couple
of years? 

When the world realizes this thing is real, then there is going to be
such a clamor for it that his intellectual property may seriously be
threatened. There will be knock-offs from third world countries, and I'm
not even sure that Europe and America would give him a patent. They are
so desperate for a solution to their oil problems that they might just
declare his work "too valuable to patent."

When Rossi was ready to sell his product, he needed some attention to
attract customers. Now, he has those customers, and I think that
conclusive proof that his device works, is the last thing he wants at
this time.

On another note: I went over to 116 S. River Rd, in Bedford, NH,
yesterday. There is a small business park there with about 15 companies
listed, but no Leonardo Corporation is in the directory, and it doesn't
appear to be a place where any kind of construction could be taking
place. So if the Leonardo Corporation is there, then they are using it
only as a small private office. So I wonder where Rossi is building
these 1 MW units? 

There was a company listed as "4D Technologies," and this struck me as
something that I remember hearing somewhere. Has anyone else heard of
this company?

Craig Haynie

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