Joshua wrote:

"So, random atomic motion representing a fraction of an eV per atom is
somehow supposed to be concentrated by a factor of much more than a million
by some resonant phenomenon."




You are reasoning from the physics of brute force, which is all that nuclear
physicists know.  The physics of resonance can achieve the extreme energy
levels required with very small, but properly timed/oriented, inputs.


Tesla generated electrical discharges over 130 feet long when in Colorado
Springs in 1899.  That represents many 10s of millions of volts when his
primary coil was operating at some very small fraction of that. He had VERY
crude materials to work with and very limited electrical equipment (much of
which he had to build).  Despite the primitive resources, he was able to
generate the EXTREME voltages and currents >>>>>BECAUSE OF RESONANCE<<<<<.


Ever hear of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge?


For most, theory is a transparent box. those inside don't know they're
inside, or that there's even an outside!




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