Mary Yugo <> wrote:

Do you seriously think that a chemist examining that cup would not find the
>> source of heat? Get real. Once you look inside the magic trick stage prop,
>> the trick is always instantly obvious.
> That's the point though, isn't it?  Nobody was ever allowed to see the
> inside of Rossi's ecats -- not the little ones and not the "Ottoman" sized
> one either.

That is incorrect. Many people have looked inside these devices. The
photographs of the Ottoman size device instantly rule out any possibility
of a chemical or other conventional source of heat. The size of the
inner-cell alone rule this out. You do not have to know what it is made
of. You can estimate the necessary volume of a chemical or electrical
source of heat sufficient to produce approximately this much energy. It
would be much bigger than this.

I have pointed this out many times. Evidently you do not understand it.
This point is fundamental to cold fusion, so I suggest you make an effort
to grasp it. We do not know what is going on inside a cathode or piece of
metal. No one can look "inside it" at the subatomic level where the
reaction occurs, except by indirect means. Nevertheless, we know from the
volume and mass of the cathode alone that the reaction has to be nuclear.
Mme. Curie new the same thing about her radium samples, for exactly the
same reasons.

- Jed

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