Mary Yugo <> wrote:

> I have no idea of the probability that Rossi is honest.  I hope he is.

He is not, I assure you. He often dissembles about personal matters. If the
truth or falsity of this claim is predicated on his personal honesty, we
must dismiss it.

Fortunately, it is predicated on immutable laws of physics and first
principle observations made by dozens of people who I know to be honest. It
is predicated on the work of Piantelli and others, and on experimental
results obtained with instruments supplied by other people such as
Ampenergo and whoever bought the 1 MW reactor.

You need to forget about Rossi's behavior and his personality. They have
nothing to do with this issue. He could be the most dishonest person in the
world but he cannot change the laws of nature.

I do not understand why you are so obsessed with Rossi's personality to the
point that you ignore physics.

- Jed

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