>From Jed


> Fleischmann and Pons had a terrible time. I think it traumatized Pons.
> It did not bother Fleischmann as much because he is a tough, cynical
> person who had nightmare experiences during WWII. The Gestapo beat his
> father to death, and he himself barely escaped. He told me that he
> knew calling that press conference would mean the end of his career.
> He knew he would be vilified and ridiculed for the rest of his life.
> He went into it knowing what would happen. That was an act of courage.
> But as he said, it was nothing like running for you life at age 13.
> Mind you, it gets his goat. Sheila Fleischmann told me he complains for
> hours. Who wouldn't?

This is one of the most revealing things I've read about Fleishman in a very
long time.

Thanks for posting it, Jed.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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