This is so wrong as to make me very upset. I'll do anything I can to get hold of a FPE device from Leonardo or Defkalion or who ever and shove it up some FPE deniers back side so far the sun will never shine on it again. And you wonder why I have no time for most university chalk heads.

On 12/19/2011 1:08 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
ANYWAY, flash forward to 1989. Arrhenius' granddaughter, Dr. Karen Caldwell, was director of the Center for Biopolymers at Interfaces at the University of Utah, and a friend of F&P. Quoting Beaudette, p. 149, Fleischmann recounted:

After the press conference, Dr. Caldwell came up to us and said, "Well, when my grandfather proposed electrolytic disassociation, he was dismissed from the University. At least that won’t happen to you." I said to her, “But you are entirely mistaken. We shall be dismissed as well."

- Jed

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