On Dec 20, 2011, at 8:41 AM, David Roberson wrote:

Second, if a small volume of material achieves reaction and releases several MeV of energy does the material then allow the reaction to spread? Of course the release of many MeV at the active region now would be adequate to enable more reactions since it far exceeds the 100 keV threshold suggested if in the correct form. Is there evidence pro or con as to whether or not this is happening?

Chain reactions happen far faster than big atoms move or melt. The melting is a secondary effect that happens after the reaction is finished. The nuclear active site, or NAS, appears to be located below the surface. The melting and expansion drives the material out through the surface, making a "crater" like formation.

Various estimates of energies and reaction rates have been given.


"(vi) Location/size. The presence of discrete, randomly distributed sites (hot spots, craters, boulders, etc) implies the existence of volumes within the electrode material where conditions promoting the highly energetic reactions exist. In estimating their magnitude, one must make a certain number of assumptions, eg (i) energy per single event is that of the reaction D + D  He, (ii) the number of single events to produce a crater is on the order of 10^4 or higher, depending upon its radius[9], (iii) the number of single events needed to generate the “hot spot” displayed by IRimaging is on the order of 10^4 or higher, depending upon its size and brightness. Under these conditions and assuming the loading ratio greater than unity, one can calculate the radius of this volume to be on the order of 100 Å or higher. The events take place within the bulk material in the close vicinity to
the contact surface."

If producing one watt of output requires 6.24x10^11 fusions, as shown earlier, and each comic ray triggers 10^4 reactions, then 6.24x10^7 pits per second should show up, per watt of output. This does not appear to be a reasonable pit formation rate, nor anywhere near a cosmic ray background count. At 4 kW output that would be about 10^16 pits for a 10 hour test. Pit formation then is a very unusual thing if high energy density long term reactions exist, as Rossi claims.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

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