On Dec 22, 2011, at 7:41 AM, Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint wrote:
The problem I see with some kind of outside trigger is that the
“turn-on” of excess heat would occur randomly… how does one control
when that cosmic ray or muon will initiate the reaction? In one of
the demos, it appeared to turn on at a specific temperature.
Cosmic ray background is random but essentially a continuous
condition on the time scale of nuclear active site generation.
Nuclear active sites capable of chain reactions are not dense. They
are islands which apparently grow with time, otherwise events many
orders of magnitude larger than 10^4 fusions would occur. The size
of craters would not be nearly uniform. The cross section of such
islands to cosmic rays etc. apparently grows slowly, and is affected
by temperature, and external conditions and forms of stimulation.
This is one reason LENR can not be expected to be useful for nuclear
explosives. Triggers in the form of cosmic rays and other background
radiation are constantly present in the environment. The active
sites have to be generated on demand. Practical LENR is inherently
a dynamic process.
Best regards,
Horace Heffner