>From Jed:




> I am pretty sure the reason is because he wants to keep a low

> profile. He wants enough people to believe it is real to attract

> customers, but not so many that it attracts competition or

> attention from the authorities. He does not want the DoE to

> think it is real. I wouldn't want that either, if I were him.

> Heck, I wouldn't want that, being me. The longer they stay

> out, the better. Only the DoD is helpful.


In Rossi's case, trying to maintain a "low profile" is a delicate business
tactic that has limited shelf life. Eventually, I would imagine deception
tactics of this nature, where one deliberately attempts to insinuate through
deliberate inaction the possibility that their controversial technology is
invalid, will fall apart as the technology essentially validates itself via
through normal market conditions and the competition catches wind.
Obviously, Rossi knows this all too well. I believe Rossi has essentially
said so in different words & ways. 


Still, the longer Rossi can continue to insinuate to the general public the
possibility that his technology might be invalid (and especially to
potential competition) he increases his chances of sealing additional
business deals from a few select businesses that have performed their own
due diligence. Incidentally, I suspect many of those businesses may also,
for strategic competitive business reasons of their won, not be in any hurry
to destroy Rossi's charade.


This is, however, a delicate business tactic that I suspect is not easily
mastered. On a similar tact, I believe our own flawed intelligence gathering
eventually concluded that Saddam had attempting to insinuate to his
adversaries a belief that he possessed WMDs while simultaneously trying to
convince the US that he didn't.


In Saddam's case, he got mixed results. We invaded Iraq. Actually, I don't
think there was anything Saddam could have done (or insinuated truthfully or
not truthfully) to have kept the "evil eye" of the military industrial
complex out of his country, but that is definitely another OT discussion.


All I can say is that in Rossi case, I hope he fares better.



Steven Vincent Johnson



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