Primarily for the theorists in the Collective.

This from the Ni-H yahoo group...




I try to explain it:
All you have to do is, to put the electron from the H-atom nearer to the
nucleus and Fusion will happen.
>From the K-electron capture from Be-7 I know, that a faktor 4 is enough.
So, how can this be done? Idea comes from Muon, where it is proved, so just
enhance the effective mass of the surrounding electron.

Vektorpotential A = 1/2 B  *  r 

    (B orthogonal A,  B=const,  r is distance)

For Fusion,  A >= sqr(5.405961)*mc/e=0.004 Tesla*meter 
    (to enlarge elektron energy about 782.333keV from proton to Neutron)

and from this B>=0.008 Tesla (r=1m). For a 5 cm chamber diameter,
it is B >= 0.16 Tesla (if I am right :-)).

Iron is also important, because it has a high Curie temperature.
For Nickel is T Curie 360 Celsius, for Iron T Curie 768 Celsius. 


So, the iron in the chamber enlarges the magnetic field from outside by
about a factor 1000.




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