
If one looks at it macroscopically, then your criticism is understandable,
however, one must keep in mind the environment of the H or D loaded lattice
at the dimensions of a few atoms.  When you get ALL magnetic domains aligned
in a small region (a few 10s, 100s of atoms), magnetic fields can become
quite large...

I'm not sure if this is relevant either, but here is what Horace calculated
in his model:

"If you look at the spreadsheet I provided in 2007, you will see the
magnetic field of the electron on the deuteron in the D+e deflated state is
given as 4.0210e+14 Tesla."

That's about 6 orders of magnitude greater than your 225e6.


-----Original Message-----
From: [] 
Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2011 11:48 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Use magnetic fld to enhance effective mass of e-

In reply to  Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint's message of Thu, 29 Dec 2011 13:48:59
>Primarily for the theorists in the Collective.
>This from the Ni-H yahoo group...
>I try to explain it:
>All you have to do is, to put the electron from the H-atom nearer to 
>the nucleus and Fusion will happen.
>From the K-electron capture from Be-7 I know, that a faktor 4 is enough.
>So, how can this be done? Idea comes from Muon, where it is proved, so 
>just enhance the effective mass of the surrounding electron.
>Vektorpotential A = 1/2 B  *  r
>    (B orthogonal A,  B=const,  r is distance)
>For Fusion,  A >= sqr(5.405961)*mc/e=0.004 Tesla*meter 
>  (to enlarge elektron energy about 782.333keV from proton to Neutron)

You can't enlarge the energy with a static magnetic field.

Even if all the potential energy existing between electron and proton were
converted to kinetic energy, you would still be 782 keV short.

Furthermore, "r" if I'm not mistaken needs to be 1/4 the size of an atom, in
order to get shrinkage by a factor or 4, not several cm (or I have
completely misunderstood how this is supposed to work). Such a small radius
would require a magnetic field vastly stronger than anything humanity has so
far managed to create. (225 million tesla for a 782 keV electron). Actually
this takes no account of the fact that the electron would be relativistic at
that energy, but it gives a rough idea of what would be needed.

Robin van Spaandonk

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