<fznidar...@aol.com> wrote:

> In 1995 I came back, from Power Gen 95, to my Utility Employer and wrote
> and impact statement about Clean Energy Technologies device.  It was
> reported, "We have liftoff".  Motorola offered 60 million for the
> technology.  Miley independently tested it.  By now all of the world was to
> be powered by cold fusion.  That was 16 years ago.  Nothing has changed.

I do not think it was $60 million. As I recall it was more like $15
million. Nothing changed because Patterson turned down the offer.

You have a valid point. If Rossi does not do a proper demonstration and his
alliance with a large company falls through, he might be dead in the water.
Defkalion might be stalled indefinitely. Others may not be able to
replicate the powder. In other words, everything might go wrong. In that
case, there will be no public relations breakthrough in 2012, and cold
fusion will not become widely known.

I doubt things will go that badly, but they sure gone badly in the past, so
you never know.

Defkalion is behind schedule, as everyone knows. I think they are working
to catch up, and in the next quarter they will be able to do the kinds of
demonstrations they hoped to do in November. It is not unusual for a
project of this nature to be late. The book "Empires of Light" describes
the Niagara Falls electrification project of the 1890s. Despite the best
efforts of the best engineers, it was a year late.

- Jed

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