HI David,


Loved reading your predictions. Good, well-thought-out predictions tend to
make readers want to comment on them and add their own two cents... and
yours is no exception.


> I predict that the world will formally acknowledge cold fusion aka

> LENR this year. The evidence will finally be so overwhelming that

> the physics community can no longer deny it. Of course they will

> claim that they knew it was happening, but only in the form of LENR

> and not cold fusion which they have claimed.


Agreed. Well. maybe it will take two more years down the road! ;-)


> Mary Yugo will repent of her sins after a long pause and will become

> one of the best proponents of cold fusion filling all of the forums

> with glowing reports. Rossi will hire her as his spokeswoman since

> she can work like the energizer bunny on a cause that is true to her

> heart. (life is stranger than fiction)


Hah! I had never thought of that. Why the hell not! :-)


> Krivit will realize that he was duped by Rossi in June. He was a

> pawn in Rossi's chess game as he attempted to mislead the competition

> to gain market share. Steven will become totally angry with Rossi as

> a result and will refuse to go to Italy to apologize in person at

> Rossi's expense.


I perceive Krivit's actions as more like that of a cat with nine lives. IOW,
Krivit and NET will somehow survive the Rossi embarrassment. I don't know
how he will manage to accomplish this, but I predict he will. He will then
continue his relentless fight against other injustices in the world. Krivit
once told me that after the "cold fusion" controversy was resolved, he might
consider investigating the injustices inherited in the current health-care
system. Its possible Krivit might do a world of good investigating that
can-o-worms. I suspect Krivit's talents fare best when coming to the aid of
all the Dulcineas in the world. Krivit will eventually find other windmills
to slay. He may even become famous.


> Jed will continue to inform the world about the wonders of cold fusion

> as he has until now. The job will become a lot easier as people will

> start to believe what he has to say since the process is proven.


I believe Jed has already been on record saying he would be more than happy
to pass the torch to someone else, once he was assured of the fact that the
avalanche was well on its way down the mountain top. I think Jed dreams of
taking a long vacation. However, I also suspect Jed would soon become bored
and would soon find another worthy cause to take up. IOW, we should continue
to keep an eye on any future endeavors Jed might feel inclined to pursue.


> Science will continue to search for the theory of cold fusion for

> another 10 years at least. Eventually, the cause will be determined,

> but it will not be easy to prove.


Agreed. However, I think it will take far more than 10 years. Perhaps 20 -
30 years, and then... maybe we will understand the true potential power of
the monster we are only now in the process of unearthing from the crypt.
Hopefully our children and grandchildren will be wise enough to realize what
we are in possession of. Hopefully, prudent efforts will be undertaken to
assure that we don't blow up the planet in all the ensuing enthusiasm to
unleash more "free" energy. Remember ACC's comment about quasars:
"Industrial Accidents."


> Copies of cold fusion devices will become ubiquitous and the selling

> prices will become much more competitive.


No doubt, there will be many Wall-Mart specials.


> The oil producers will make an all out attempt to stop the universal

> usage of cold fusion devices by claims of danger and radiation. The

> lobbies will form and be well funded.


Well-funded any such campaigns may be, they will not survive. The general
population will see to that. The cost of fossil fuels will continue a
relentless decline. Eventually, technological innovation will allow the cost
of manufacturing synthetic petroleum products to undercut to cost involved
in extracting fossil fuels. At that point, the fossil fuel industry will
pass into the history books.


> Science labs will be established to research cold fusion processes and

> many additional materials will be found that exhibit the effects.


Remember... quasars!



Steven Vincent Johnson



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