It is not a working day this I have told.
However there are 91 days till a very important event

where I will try to participate (problem of health but dum spiro, spero)

On Wed, Jan 11, 2012 at 5:37 PM, Jones Beene <> wrote:

>  ** **
> Ha! …  Ya’ got me on that one …. Poisson rouge indeed.****
> ** **
> However, it is worth keeping an eye out for new publications from the
> patent offices of the World. If Rossi DOES NOT have one in progress now,
> and one that is far superior than the trash we have seen, then he has no
> hope of the kind of commercial success ****
> ** **
> ** **
> *From:* Robert Leguillon ****
> ** **
> Sorry; That post was entirely tongue-in-cheek. We are 81 days from April
> Fools Day.
> I was going to speculate that the catalyst was not Platinum Black, but
> Poisson Rouge.****
>  ------------------------------
> Robert,****
>  ****
> That must be labeled simply as yet another of Rossi’s *Kindermarchen fur
> Erwachsene* … Little that the man says can be trusted. Peter was being
> diplomatic in not calling him a pathological liar. ****
>  ****
> Long before any patent is approved by WIPO, it will be published (usually
> 18 months from filing). There is has been no new publication for Rossi that
> I know of. WIPO is notoriously slow on approvals anyway.****
>  ****
> CAVEAT: about 6-8 months ago IIRC someone here on vortex (could have been
> Mattia Rizzi) heard that Rossi indeed did have a new *filing* in progress
> … and it should have been published last fall. Therefore it is possible
> that we will see the new *application *but not the approved patent. If it
> is of the same quality as his last one – it is meaningless anyway.****
>  ****
> AFAIK the two steps- publication and approval do not happen
> simultaneously. Often the gap is 3-4 years. More often the application is
> rejected.****
>  ****
>  ****
> *From:* Robert Leguillon ****
> Peter,
> I have an anonymous source claiming that Rossi is expecting patent
> approval in the near term, and will be announcing not only the frequency of
> his RFG, but the materiel composition of the catalyst in 81 days.  Now we
> just have to wait for 81 days...  (am ersten April).
> ________________________
>  ****
> Dear Wolf, ****
>  ****
> This, the Customers, the list of 10,000 domestic E-cats, dumping to kill
> the competition, the Catalyst, and many other things are marketing tricks
> and fairy tales for adults (Kindermarchen fur Erwachsene) . Interesting but
> untrue in their greatest part: mixtures of fiction and reality, of desires
> and facts. Not as good as the "35th of May."****
>  ****
> Peter****
>  ****
>  ****
>  ****

Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

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