Mats Lewan is in contact with Rossi from time to time. He told me that
Rossi has been telling him all along that:

"The plant was never shipped but stayed in Bologna where Rossi supposedly
continued to work on it together with the undisclosed customer and NI."

That has been his impression all along. So Rossi has not been trying to
deceive Lewan about this. When Italo R. asked Rossi about the reactor, he
responded in a matter-of-fact way "Yes, it is the same [machine]."

He writes all kinds of things in his blog without thinking. He is sometimes

I think people here are making a mountain out of a molehill about this

AG is worried that this will hurt Rossi's credibility. I am not worried
about that, because Rossi has no credibility. McKubre thinks he does things
intentionally to hurt his own credibility. I wouldn't put it past him.

- Jed

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