Jed sez:


> AG is worried that this will hurt Rossi's credibility. I am not worried
> about that, because Rossi has no credibility. McKubre thinks he does things
> intentionally to hurt his own credibility. I wouldn't put it past him.

If I had a highly controversial "free energy" device that I wanted to
market which didn't yet have adequate patent protection I would not in
be too much of a hurry to draw undue attention to the legitimacy of
who I am, or what I potentially represent, or of my invention. In
order to keep my "anonymity" an occasional piece of disinformation
strategically placed out on the Internet here and there would probably
go a long way in keeping most of those potential competitors
reasonably satisfied that I was nothing more than a scam artist. Not
to bother.

In the meantime, I'd focus on two objectives:

1. Double my efforts to secure adequate patent protection.

2. As discretely as possible secure as many business contracts with a
select group of customers as possible. Most of these businesses would
probably prefer anonymity at this stage of the game as well since
going public would also alert unwanted competition.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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