Yamali Yamali <yamaliyam...@yahoo.de <mailto:yamaliyam...@yahoo.de>> (who also has the e-mail response parameter wrong) wrote:

   Jed Rothwell wrote: "... Rossi has no credibility. ..."

   How can you come this far and still believe his e-cats work and he
   never faked anything? Haven't we dicussed endlessly how easy that
   would be? And yet you seem to believe that a guy without any
   credivility had his one honest moment in life just when it came to
   what would probably be the greatest breakthroughs in the history of
   science? I'm... ahh... puzzled.

Look, this is not complicated. Please, take it one step at a time:

1. Scientific credibility comes when you are independently checked or independently replicated. It is _never_ a function of your personal credibility. If it was, no one would believe Robert Stroud (the "birdman of Alcatraz") -- to take an extreme example -- because he was an habitual liar and a homicidal maniac. We believe Stroud because people have read his books, confirmed his observations, and used his techniques successfully.

2. Rossi has been independently replicated by Defkalion, and his devices have been carefully checked by many experts.

3. He cannot have "faked" devices checked thousands of miles away from him at Defkalion.

4. It is not physically possible for him to fake heat that burns someone. It is not possible for him to conduct 5 kW of electricity over a thin wire. No one can do that.

You must separate the person from the claim in your mind. The personality or behavior of the person has no bearing on whether the claim is true or false. You can only judge the claim by experiment. Rossi has been independently confirmed by experiment. That's all there is to it. Discussions of his personality may be interesting but they CANNOT AFFECT THE VALIDITY OF HIS CLAIM.

Yugo and others say that the experiment was never done except in Rossi's presence, and he might have used stage magic. That is wrong on two counts:

1. It has been done repeatedly thousands of miles from him, with equipment he never touched. He denies the equipment exists!

2. No such stage magic tricks exist, or can exist. It is physically impossible.

- Jed

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