On Sun, Jan 22, 2012 at 4:35 PM, Craig Brown <cr...@overunity.co> wrote:

> I would not be surprised if Eff Wivakeef and Shaun Taylor are fake
> pseudonyms and that they are posters from the moletrap forum.  MaryYugo
> regularly tells everyone over on Moletrap how stupid and gullible "she"
> thinks everyone on Vortex is, then she comes over here to have a go.

Really Brown? 007?  NewsEditor?  And how many other nicknames do you use.
I do *not* say that about Vortex in general and I defy you to post a quote
with a link that shows that I ever did.  You made it up just as you make up
the garbage on your moronic web site.

The fact Yugo and her entourage hide behind fake identities says it all.
> They don't have the courage to stand behind the accusations they so often
> publicly make.  And who precisely do they think they are saving from the
> Rossi monster?  If lying, cheating and immoral and unjust financial
> irregularities are their primary concern then surely they would be better
> served disrupting a forum belonging to one of the private banks.

Nobody is disrupting anything.  Hundreds if not thousands of people who
don't have the time to do due diligence would be easy marks for Rossi and
related investment schemes if it were not for skeptics.  Who we are and our
real names are not issues.  What we say and assert are indeed the issues
and you have never cogently addressed our facts and probabilities.  In
fact, I have never seen you make a single material contribution to any
forum anywhere about any subject and that includes this one and Steorn's.
When asked to demonstrate that you even understand a technical issue, you
simply slink away.

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